Export Consultancy

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analysis (3)
Export Plan

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Export Consultancy

The most suitable expert in your industry

USA Export Consultancy
Make use of local advisers

Canadian Export Consultancy

Doing business internationally is not something to take lightly. Because there are so many things you have to take into account. A different country means a different culture and different customs. That is why it is nice to rely on an advisor that has local knowledge. Plus a mix of qualities based on experience. That makes the difference between selling abroad compared to adding a successful export branch to your company.

Export Consultant

We help you navigate in another country with a different culture. From legislation and regulations, starting your own office to creating sales opportunities.

More Growth
More Return

Training of staff members

Doing business in a new country requires a new mindset among your employees. By actively training on cultural differences, you learn to speak the right language during a sales conversation.

We advise based on experience and data. Invest in happy employees, then your customers will automatically be happy and the turnover will increase.

Global Approach

The world market is changing. America is looking critically at trading partners and China is no longer always the first choice. Create opportunities and respond to the changing needs of your ideal customers. What do you give the most attention?

+ 5
Chain partners
> 3
Affected Countries

Expertise in your industry

Our service always starts with a personal conversation with one of our USA-Experts. We will work together to map out all the questions and find clear answers.

We use our contacts, the government and our own export network. Because we have our own office in Florida, we can switch immediately.

Specialist for faster growth in America. International business is the road to success for many companies!

Process optimization

Which parties and organizations are of strategic importance? Which parts of your export plan need more attention? Let your international ambition run more efficiently and effectively. We help you get and keep the right focus.

Margin Improvement
More Effective Sales

Contact Information

Van Holland Group Inc.

Suite 2201, Eaton Centre,
250 Yonge Street,
Toronto, Ontario
M5B 2L7, Canada

Nova Scotia Office
1959 Upper Water Street
Purdy’s Wharf, Tower 1, #1301
Halifax, NS B3J 3N2, Canada

The Netherlands

Headquarters NL
Javalaan 7
3742 CN Baarn NL
The Netherlands

United States Office
701 Brickell Avenue
Suite 1550 #2
Miami FL 33131

Disclaimer: The information provided on this website does not, and is not intended to, constitute legal advice. All information and content available on this site are for general informational purposes only.

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